“@olumideoyedeji1: Stopping at the Nigerian embassy in London to present a basketball to the high commissioner n let him know what we r doing for d image”
Let's change the image of our country Nigeria abroad. But guess what tweeps. I'm being turned away from the embassy. Refused entry
I can't believe my eyes n ears at the @nigeriahighcommission ,the ambassador is around and the special adviser by the name adeniyi gbadamosi”
Adeniyi gbadamosi has just told me to leave the embassy and go to another country's embassy for support. OMG these people represent us???”
I represented my country Nigeria for 16yrs , I was the Nigerian Olympic team captain and The Nigerian basketball team captain 4 yrs”
I am hosting a charity basketball clinic in London to encourage children of African decent n take them away from gangs n knife culture.”
olumideoyedeji1: I'm being supported by @bbcworld , the British Govt, the British community and the African community in diaspora BUT my own country told me”
olumideoyedeji1: The Nigerian High commission through the special adviser Adeniyi Gbadamosi told me to piss off and go to another country for support.OMG”
This lad was shocked and couldn't believe it.... Well take heart Olumide Oyedeji, this are things suffered by ordinary Nigerians, its a shame!